The Welsh Room II
Victorian taxidermy, new images to the market. This is a snapshot of another 200 cases acquired by this collector, bringing the total to approximatley 1700 cases. He also has approximately 190 Fox masks by Peter Spicer, by example. That does not include Otters, Badgers and masks by other makers of note, plus African game heads and watercolour paintings by Peter Spicer.
![dunseatern [640x480].jpg](dunseatern [640x480].jpg)
Red Billed Tropicbird, said to be by Robert Duncan.
![rob2tern1 [640x480].jpg](rob2tern1 [640x480].jpg)
Terns and chicks by Roberts of Norwich.
![abbhutch1 [640x480].jpg](abbhutch1 [640x480].jpg)
Mallards, one in abberation by James Hutchings.
![abbhutch [640x480].jpg](abbhutch [640x480].jpg)
Close up of the above cage.
![bcbadcop [640x480].jpg](bcbadcop [640x480].jpg)
European Badger by John Cooper.
![bcbadcop2 [640x480].jpg](bcbadcop2 [640x480].jpg)
European Badger by John Cooper.
![bc2her [640x480].jpg](bc2her [640x480].jpg)
Herons with Moorhen by James Hutchings.
![bcbwpea [640x480].jpg](bcbwpea [640x480].jpg)
Pheasant in part abberation by Barry Wiliams of Cannock, one of the best UK taxidermists still alive.
![loft1 [640x480].jpg](loft1 [640x480].jpg)
General view of the part of the collection.
![bcpikespice [640x480].jpg](bcpikespice [640x480].jpg)
Pike by Peter Spicer & Sons.
![bcpikespice1 [640x480].jpg](bcpikespice1 [640x480].jpg)
Pike by Peter Spicer & Sons in close up.
![loft2 [640x480].jpg](loft2 [640x480].jpg)
General view of the part of the collection.
![bwganbc [640x480].jpg](bwganbc [640x480].jpg)
Gannet by Barry Williams of Cannock.
![bcsl [640x480].jpg](bcsl [640x480].jpg)
Peregrines Falcons by McCleay of Inverness.
![bcwardgos [640x480].jpg](bcwardgos [640x480].jpg)
Goshawk by Rowland Ward and Squirrel prey.
![bcwardgos1 [640x480].jpg](bcwardgos1 [640x480].jpg)
Above case in close up.
![bcbwfox1 [640x480].jpg](bcbwfox1 [640x480].jpg)
Fox by James Hutchings.
![bcbwfox2 [640x480].jpg](bcbwfox2 [640x480].jpg)
Fox by James Hutchings.
![bccorrc [640x480].jpg](bccorrc [640x480].jpg)
Cormorant by James Hutchings.
![bisganegg [640x480].jpg](bisganegg [640x480].jpg)
Gannet by Bishopp of Oban.
![maindoor [640x480].jpg](maindoor [640x480].jpg)
General view of the part of the collection.
![butt3eg [640x480].jpg](butt3eg [640x480].jpg)
Hen Harrier, Short Eared Owl and Short Toed Eagle by George Butt.
![mccred2 [640x480].jpg](mccred2 [640x480].jpg)
Red Throated Divers in summer plumage by McCleay of Inverness.
Jay by Salkeld of Kellett, near Carnforth.
![jbcotter [640x480].jpg](jbcotter [640x480].jpg)
European Otter by Thomas Jefferies of Camarthen.
![mounfox [640x480].jpg](mounfox [640x480].jpg)
European Fox with prey by Mountney of Cardiff.
![bcwardabbergr [640x480].jpg](bcwardabbergr [640x480].jpg)
Blackbird in part abberation by Rowland Ward.
![earlybckezs [640x480].jpg](earlybckezs [640x480].jpg)
Female Kestrel by Peter Spicer.
![corri1 [640x480].jpg](corri1 [640x480].jpg)
General view of the part of the collection.
![kenturt [640x480].jpg](kenturt [640x480].jpg)
Turtle Dove by D Kenningale.
![bcwalldome [640x480].jpg](bcwalldome [640x480].jpg)
General view of the part of the collection.
![hut2red [640x480].jpg](hut2red [640x480].jpg)
Mixed case of Squirrels and Jay by Hutton of Bristol.
![kencockbc [640x480].jpg](kencockbc [640x480].jpg)
Cockrel by D Kenningale.
![mcwrapsea [640x480].jpg](mcwrapsea [640x480].jpg)
Razorbills in wrap around case by McCleay of Inverness.
![rcbcshaw [640x480].jpg](rcbcshaw [640x480].jpg)
Great Northern Diver by Henry Shaw.
![mcblbc [640x480].jpg](mcblbc [640x480].jpg)
Black Guillemot by McCleay of Inverness.

Sandpipers by William Hope.

Waders by Hibbs of Ollerton.
![rob2tern2 [640x480].jpg](rob2tern2 [640x480].jpg)
Terns and chicks by Roberts of Norwich.
![robcock [640x480].jpg](robcock [640x480].jpg)
Cockatoo by Roberts of Norwich.
![shaw2wood [640x480].jpg](shaw2wood [640x480].jpg)
Woodpigeons, by Henry Shaw.

Jay by unknown taxidermist.
![shlit1 [640x480].jpg](shlit1 [640x480].jpg)
Little Owls and chicks by John Shaw of Shrewsbury.
![tjbc [640x480].jpg](tjbc [640x480].jpg)
Tawny Owl and Red Squirrel by Thomas Jefferies
![wilsea1 [640x480].jpg](wilsea1 [640x480].jpg)
Seabirds by Williams of Dublin
![wilsea2 [640x480].jpg](wilsea2 [640x480].jpg)
Seabirds by Williams of Dublin
![wilsea3 [640x480].jpg](wilsea3 [640x480].jpg)
Seabirds by Williams of Dublin
![slseabc [640x480].jpg](slseabc [640x480].jpg)
Seabirds by James Hutchings
More images to follow from this collection
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