Taxidermy in the UK
We are always very interested in Purchasing Victorian Taxidermy, please respond via this on-line form of what you have for sale. HERE
Charles Thorpe Taxidermy.
Here we examine the work of Charles Thorpe of Croydon. Very rarely is this work seen outside museums. A museum of particular interest is the bird collection compiled by Colonel Charles Theodore Echalaz. This collection is now housed and owned by Liverpool local authourity. The work produced by Thorpe is of high quality and detail within the groundwork is comparable to other historical taxidermists of this period.

Impressive Little Tern and chicks display by Charles Thorpe of Croydon (Ex Andy Henry collection).

Impressive Little Tern and chicks display by Charles Thorpe of Croydon (Ex Andy Henry collection). Another exclusive image for your perusal.

Impressive Little Tern and chicks display by Charles Thorpe of Croydon (Ex Andy Henry collection). Another exclusive image for your perusal. The chicks are nestled on the groundwork to the extent to be almost invisible. A testiment to this taxidemists skill.

Rare trade card from Charles Thorpe of Croydon. More to follow on this historical taxidermist. The image shows a pair of Little Owls in a pictureframe case.

Rare trade card from Charles Thorpe of Croydon. His signature on the reverse.
![charlesthorpepostcard3 [640x480].jpg](charlesthorpepostcard3 [640x480].jpg)
Close up of the above case. Thorpe also used silk leaves, here we see oak leaves.

Lesser Black Backed Gulls with chicks from Charles Thorpe of Croydon.
European Stonechat by Charles Thorpe of Croydon.
European Yellowhammer by Charles Thorpe of Croydon.
Jay and Kingfisher by Charles Thorpe of Croydon.
Taxidermy4Cash does not undertake taxidermy, rather we are collectors of
other people’s work, both current and historical we also offer web hosting,
a search engine submission service and increasingly one of the larger
article resource banks on the net. So if your keen to learn about Taxidermy
etc, then you know where to look.
We are always interested to here about new resource, if you feel a resource
should be listed here then please contact us.
WANTED. Please respond via this on-line form HERE
with a description of what you have for sale.
Taxidermy Links.
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