Sandpiper by J Spicer. Label from the above case.

Kingfisher by Peter Spicer & Sons

Kingfisher by Peter Spicer & Sons, close up of the above case

Otter Head by Peter Spicer & Sons

Otter Head by Peter Spicer & Sons

Barn Owl by EF Spicer & Sons. Very nice example from the relative of Peter Spicer.
![Badger 3 (Spicer) [640x480].jpg](Badger 3 (Spicer) [640x480].jpg)
European Badger by Peter Spicer & Sons. A few years ago now this case sold at auction not far from Darlington. We, at the time were informed that the case was mothed by those who viewed the sale. Anyhow it sold for less than £500. One wonders what it sold for after that.

European Widgeon by Peter Spicer & Sons.
![Ptarmigan Spicer Original[1].JPG](Ptarmigan Spicer Original[1].JPG)
Fantastic Ptarmigan by Peter Spicer, unfaded, but in Summer plumage but a very good example of "British Historical Taxidermy"

Trade mark pebble by Peter Spicer & sons

Classic Spicer signature within the groundwork of each case.

European Pochard by Peter Spicer & Sons.

European Pochard by Peter Spicer & Sons.

Mixed case by EF Spicer.

Fantastic Fox mask by Peter Spicer, retaining much of its original colour.

Spanish Ibex by Peter Spicer & Sons.

Deformed Piglet suggested to be by Peter Spicer & Sons

Wigeon (drake) by Peter Spicer & Sons.

Wigeon (drake) by Peter Spicer & Sons.

Wigeon (drake) by Peter Spicer & Sons.

Ptarmigan. This is a case by Peter Spicer, the quality is obvious, well to the relative experts that is. When victorian mounts age they develop a charm all of their own.

Snowy Owl by Peter Spicer. Copywrite Mr Sailor. Many thanks for its unrestricted use. We have been looking for a suitable image to create a limited edition free print from for a while. Close ups of this image to follow on the Peter Spicer page.
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