Modern and Historical Taxidermy bird sketches.
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Bird Sketches.
Pure self indulgence, my site so to speak, therefore the content whislt derived from others is at the discreation of the contributors. Just a compilation of images that demonstrate the work that goes into cases prior to their construction. Today, some taxidermist use reference images from the internet but some also prefer simply to draw them out. In order to be a good taxidermist, you really need to have a natural artistic flair, otherwise to cite Mr Yafano, you only produce monsters as a result. Couldn't really disagree with that statement. Throughout the years we have seen many clumsey, very badly observed examples of both modern and historical taxidermy. One of the aims of this site is to show the best that is currently on offer and to encourage those who wish to embark on this artform to be more diligent and embrace modern technologies and mounting methods. We have a vast archive of historic sketches also and we will be show-casing them shortly.
Oystercatcher with eggs. This case shall be created shortly. Just doing the case sketches for the case construction.
Oystercatcher with eggs. This case shall be created shortly. Just doing the case sketches for the case construction.
Pheasant chick.
Jackdaw concept.
Pied Wagtail. Charcoal and pencil, dated 26th May 2010. It would appear that I can draw them, just never tried to mount them. Field sketch today by the lake. Oh to have a job!!!!, but arhh the self indulgence of it all.

Red-Throated Diver. This bird drowned in an inshore fishing net. Decided to mount the bird swimming and with nest and eggs. Very much in the style of TE Gunn of Norwich, but unlike Gunn perspex is availabe which allows the bird to be placed at the correct level in the water.
First we start with images for the birds and also the case
First we start with images for the birds and also the case

Pictoral view of a pending mordern case of Hooded Crows. Another collaborative effort, with a nest scene. Uncertain as to whether we should incorporate chicks and or eggs into this scene currently

Pictoral view of a pending mordern case of Great Crested Grebes. Another collaborative effort, with a nest scene. Unclear as to whether we should incorporate eggs into this scene currently. One bird will be swimming and the other on the nest raft. Most grebes were unfortunately mounted like Penguins, which frankly is a waste of such a fabulous bird.
White Winged Scoter (Male). First we started with the above image and decided that the placement of the bird looked authentic. That said it may change and perhaps over the course of the case development it will change. These cases are not thrown together like some do. Oh and never for sale. Too many hours go into the cases to make them affordable by most. The case of Harlequin ducks have already been created, as have the Ring Necked Ducks also. North Atlantic Eiders will be next. It was finally decided that the drake would sit on the rock and not stand.
Scaup ducks. First we started with the above image and decided that the placement of the birds looked authentic. That said it may change and perhaps over the course of the case development it will change. These cases are not thrown together like some do. Oh and never for sale. Too many hours go into the cases to make them affordable by most. This case shall be paired with the Harlequin ducks that have already been created. Once the Scaup case is done Burrows Goldeneye or North Atlantic Eiders will be next. It was finally decided that the drake would sit on the rock and not stand and that the position of the hen would remain the same.
North Atlantic Eider ducks. First we started with the above image and decided that the placement of the bird looked authentic. That said it may change and perhaps over the course of the case development it will change. These cases are not thrown together like some do. Oh and never for sale. Too many hours go into the cases to make them affordable by most. The case of Harlequin ducks have already been created, as have the Ring Necked Ducks also. North Atlantic Eiders will be next. It was finally decided that the drake would sit on the rock and not stand.
North Atlantic Long tailed Duck drawing as the concept for this case.
North Atlantic Surf Scoter ducks. First we started with the above image and decided that the placement of the bird looked authentic. That said it may change and perhaps over the course of the case development it will change. These cases are not thrown together like some do. Oh and never for sale. Too many hours go into the cases to make them affordable by most. The case of Harlequin ducks have already been created, as have the Ring Necked Ducks also. North Atlantic Eiders will be next.
North Atlantic Goldeneye duck and Shelduck, was finally drawn to look like this.
North Atlantic Goldeneye duck and Shelduck, was finally drawn to look like this.
First we started with the above image and decided that the placement of the birds was wrong. That said we decided that the goose swimming made sense.
Some victorian examples of brtish historical bird sketches
Following on from the appreciation of the bird sketches and historical watercolour paintings, above is another image from a set of some 250 images. Kittiwakes in winter plumage. This image was created by TE Gunn and is dated circa 1885-1895.
Rough Legged Buzzards, better painted by George Herd, see page on his work on this site. That said this dates each bird to cira 1891. This image was created by TE Gunn.
Glossy Ibis or Black Curlews as they were previously known. This image was created by TE Gunn.
Peregrine case. This image was created by TE Gunn.
Bewick Swan case. This image was created by TE Gunn.
Redstart case. This image was created by TE Gunn.
Tawny Owl case. This image was created by TE Gunn.
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