Victorian Taxidermy Information
Victorian Antique Taxidermy by H T Shopland of Torquay.
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Trade label of Shopland of Torquay from the back of the Gannet case below.
H T Shopland cases are well presented and very fine taxidermy were their stock in trade. They specialized mainly in birds producing some spectacular and large examples of Sea-bird taxidermy. Foxes and Badgers were also produced, but are not as common as bird cases. What is very evident about Shopland cases is that he used ground glass within the groundwork to simulate the effect of granite, common to Cornwall and Devon. This, combined with vivid colours makes the cases colourful, perhaps a little lurid. Flat front and three sided glass cases. Some shades were produced but are increasingly rare to find. The use fo glass to simulate granite is very obvius in the case containing the North Atlantic Gannet as shown below. It has been suggested that this firm were still in existence until the 1920's and were also gilders and frame-makers. It is unclear as to whether taxidermy was their principle business or like many a lucrative sideline. The quality of the taxidermy however is superb, but it would seem not appreciated by most as they are not normally expensive.
We are interested in Purchasing Victorian Taxidermy by H T Shopland, please respond via this on-line form of what you have for sale. HERE
H T Shopland
Victorian Buzzard by Shopland of Torquay.
Victorian Buzzard by Shopland of Torquay in close up.
Victorian Lesser Black Backed Gull by Shopland of Torquay.
Victorian mixed case by Shopland of Torquay.
Victorian mixed case by Shopland of Torquay in close up.
Victorian Seabird case by Shopland of Torquay.
Victorian Mixed Seabirds by Shopland of Torquay
Victorian Scarlet Macaw by Shopland of Torquay.
Victorian Green Woodpecker by Shopland of Torquay.
Victorian Tawny Owl and Jay by Shopland of Torquay.
Victorian Red Squirrels by Shopland of Torquay.
Victorian Common Gull by Shopland of Torquay. Case now returned from the recent Andy Henry dispersal.
Shopland Jay
Victorian case of a Fox chasing a white Rabbit by H T Shopland of Torquay
Victorian case of a Fox chasing a white Rabbit by H T Shopland of Torquay
Victorian case of a Fox chasing a white Rabbit by H T Shopland of Torquay
Shopland Groundwork for the above case
Shopland Groundwork for the above case
Large case of Seabirds by Shopland of Troquay. Two Razorbills, and a Cormorant.
Victorian mixed case of Seabirds by Shopland.
Victorian case of Herring Gulls by Shopland of Torquay.
Victorian case of Herring Gulls in close up by Shopland of Torquay.
European Magpie by Shopland of Torquay. This bird is over 100 years old.
Victorian European Teal by Shopland of Torquay.
Victorian Pheasant by Shopland of Torquay.
Victorian Red Squirrel by Shopland of Torquay.
Black Throated Diver in Winter plumage by Shopland of Torquay. This is a Victorian case with a cliff scene watercolour background.

Stunning Seabird case by H T Shopland of Torquay. Containing from left to right , Red Throated Diver in Winter plumage. A Shag in Summer plumage. Another Red Throated Diver. Two Herring Gulls in Winter plumage and a Lesser Black Backed Gull. Victorian case
Trade label of Shopland of Torquay from the back of the case above.
Victorian case of a Victorian Fox chasing a Rabbit by Shopland
WANTED. Please respond via this on-line form HERE
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