Historical Taxidermy
We are always very interested in Purchasing Victorian Taxidermy, please respond via this on-line form of what you have for sale. HERE
We get asked to recommend Fish Taxidermist’s and Taxidermy Resources by our
friends, we now include below a list of those we have had
favourable feedback on this is not a complete list, if you don't find what
your looking for then please feel free to contact us. If you also wish to
link to us then your taxidermy information shall only be placed in the
appropriate class.
Taxidermy Restoration / Repair, why leave this to chance!!!!

Beyond restoration perhaps.
Routinely we get asked for this service / opinion by collectors and increasingly musuems who do not have restoration facilities at hand anymore. To that end we have within our ranks some of the best antique taxidermy restorers in the UK and would be please to provide details of these individuals upon request. It would be easier to facilitate an opinion of what issues you might be facing with your collections if you were to proivde imagery so that we can pass on the images on a confidential basis. From this you will receive an opinion as to what is required to remedy the situation and an estimation as to cost and time-frame to receive your item back. You will be at this point dealing with the restorer directly and we will play no further part in your undertakings
We shall populate this page from time to time with examples of where this has been undertaken and you will therefore see the before and after results.
This site will not derive any financial gain from this undertaking, we solely aim to ensure that your specimens are correctly restored to ensure that they remain for future generations. We are merely acting as an introductory service for those who may not be aware that this exists and rather than leaving cases that are brokern unattended you will now be aware that there is a remedy in the UK for this.
We suggest however that if you have expensive / valuable taxidermy that requires attention then you should ensure that the restorer carries the appropriate professional indenmity insurance against accidental damage and or theft from their premises. This has never happened but for peace of mind you may wish to enquire that this is present as part of their services.
We know of people who specialise in the following:
Fish taxidermy
Large case work
Bird taxidermy
Mammal taxidermy
Large game heads
All glass, 5 sided glass exhibition cases, which along with pictureframe cases are perhaps the most difficult to restore.
Restoration itself would take into consideration the stabilisation of the specimen itself and also the groundwork and also the casework to render any future insect damage difficult. So please contact us with challenges that you may encountering and we shall pass on your details to those professionals who may be able to assist you. Please bear in mind that your specimen may be beyond reasonable and practical restoration and if so you will be advised of this.
Fish taxidermy
For those seeking to have their John Cooper & Sons, Griggs, Barnes, Spicer etc etc cases resotred then perhaps you may wish to discuss your requirements with Mr Barry Williams. Barry's expert knowledge of the life and work of John Cooper by example allows the restoration to take place in an informed manner. He also has access to manufacturers and suppliers of bowed glass, which is perhaps one of the most significant challenges of cased fish restoration.
All glass cases / Pictureframe cases
Once again the work of Rowland Ward, Henry Murray, Bissopp of Oban etc, if they are contained within all glass and picture frame cases then you may wish to consider discussing your requirements with either Mr Robert Chinnery and Mr Jeffrey Dent. We are unsure as to whether Robert still provides this service, but Jeff provides this service to both private clients and museums throughout the UK. They are both excellent at the restoration of all glass cases which requires great skill to get right. These people can also advise on the long term care of your cased specimens.
![robins[2].jpg]( robins[2].jpg)
" Original seasonal E.F. Spicer case of Robins which did posses the message'for auld lang syne'". This is the "restored" version of the original case. There have been a few alterations. Please see below.
![robins[3].jpg]( robins[3].jpg)
"E.F. Spicer case of Robins which did posses the message'for auld lang syne'", prior to restoration. This was in the case above.

"E.F. Spicer case of Robins which did posses a third bird. The bird can be seen in the middle of the picture and we would estimate that this bird is around 3-4 weeks old. it may have been a second brood perhaps. There has also been an alteration to the groundwork, and the cobwebs were also removed, but we regard this as minor.
Overall this is a pleasing case in its altered / modifed state. Whilst we do not regard it as a "fake" the restoration process does mean that it cannot no longer be classed as an original item as the restoration process has ensured that elements to the original piece have been removed. It is a pity that such undertakings still occur as this does mean that to the serious collector it is no longer original and by a single artist.
More examples of restored historical cases shall follow shortly

Beyond restoration perhaps.
A word of warning, the principle reason victorian taxidermy has stood the test of time is the methods used is specimen preservation. Arsenic was used in great quantities and the resultant "dust" is still doing its job 100 years later. When handling damaged cases we recommend / suggest that you wear appropriate protective clothing and wash your hands after contact with surfaces that may have been contaminated by Arsenic and or compounds that have the potential to contain Arsenic. If a case does break then get it to a specialist who can deal with it appropriately.
Taxidermy4Cash does not undertaken taxidermy, rather we are collectors of
other people’s work, both current and historical we also offer web hosting,
a search engine submission service and increasingly one of the larger
article resource banks on the net. So if your keen to learn about Taxidermy
etc, then you know where to look.
We are always interested to here about new resource, if you feel a resource
should be listed here then please contact us.
WANTED. Please respond via this on-line form HERE
with a description of what you have for sale.
Taxidermy Links.
Please double click on the Taxidermy link icon below.