Label by E W Gunn of Ipswich for the above case.
Victorian case of a Sparrowhawk by TE Gunn.

Weasel in ermin by TE Gunn. Victorian case.

European Badger with new born cubs by TE Gunn. Victorian case.

Fine pair of Bearded Tits (Reed Pheasants) by TE Gunn. Victorian case.
Female Red Crested Pochard, by TE Gunn.

Great Crested Grebe by TE Gunn. Victorian case.

little Grebe of Dabchick by TE Gunn. Victorian case.
Gunn also produced three sided glass cases and also wall domes and of course cased fish. Domes tend to be rarer, as you can imagine not many survive 100 plus years of general wear and tear. The mounts in domes tend to fade more readily as they exposed to sunlight from all sides. The groundwork however was universally similar. Branches were used but mainly the specimen was exhibited upon a earth mound within the case. The flat fronted cases did much to preserve the work as they tended to shield the subject from direct sunlight. Hence why sometimes TE Gunn cases give the appearence of being "fake", as they retain much of their original colour. The quality of the taxidermy and their own style makes them hard to copy truly effectively.
We have listed below a small selection of the work carried out by the Gunn family. We hope you enjoy it. We would also welcome any pictures or information relating to the taxidermy work carried out by the Gunn family.
One of the last Taxidermists to work for the Gunn family in Norwich was Fred Ashton. Any information pertaining to Mr Fred Aston would be most welcome Of course we would also welcome the opportunity to buy such cases by TE Gunn and FE Gunn.

Tawny Owl by TE Gunn. Victorian case.

European Waxwings by TE Gunn. Victorian case.

Sparrowhawk by TE Gunn. Victorian case.
North Atlantic Fulmers and egg by TE Gunn
North Atlantic Gannet by TE Gunn
Pair of Great Crested Gebes by TE Gunn
Red Crested Pochard by TE Gunn. Perhaps one of the finest cases outside of the Olgivie Museum.
Shellducks by George Herd of the TE Gunn company. Victorian case
Ring Ouzel by TE Gunn. Victorian case
Domestic Duck, could be an India Runner by TE Gunn of Norwich. This bird is over 100 years old.
Victorian English Perch 4lb in weight, which is not a small fish even by modern standards. This fish was preserved by TE Gunn, circa 1880.
Common Teal by TE Gunn. Victorian case
Victorian Bittern by TE Gunn in a Winter scene.The ice pictured in this scene is made from hand blown glass. This is the same for the Woodcock case also on this page.
Collard Doves and eggs by TE Gunn
Stone Curlew and Lapwing by TE Gunn and FE Gunn. One of the few cases where father and son collaborated to produce a case.
Typical trade label for cases by TE Gunn, 1851 onwards, following his medal award at the Great Exhibition of 1851.
Great Crested Grebes by TE Gunn
Kingfishers in wall Hanging dome by TE Gunn

Simply stunning Short Eared Owl by TE Gunn of Norwich, Norfolk.
Victorian case of a Stoat with Snipe prey by TE Gunn
Great Crested Grebe by FE Gunn. This is the finest Great Crested Grebe's I have ever seen. The Grebe is floating on glass that resembles water. Most Victorian grebes are incorrectly mounted as if Penguins. FE Gunn has made a true representation of the bird as if the bird was still alive. The Grebe pictured here is about 100 years old
Trade label for the Great Crested Grebe by FE Gunn, as pictured above.
Victorian Hobbies by TE Gunn
Victorian Common Snipe by TE Gunn
English Nightjar by TE Gunn.
Victorian Eagle Owl by TE Gunn

Sea Birds by TE Gunn. Victorian. Copywrite Dave Chapman

Little Owl by TE Gunn. Victorian case. A very rare and early case by a famous Norfolk taxidermist. Little Owls are an introduced species in the UK. Numerous unsuccessful re-introduction attempts were made in 1814, 1842 and the 1870s. Between 1889-90, large numbers of Dutch little owls were released in Northamptonshire with considerable success, demonstrated today as they appear to be in every County.

Woodcock in Winter scene by TE Gunn of Norwich Norfolk. Victorian case with glass that has been made to represent ice in the scene.

Early example of a Red Phalarope in Winter plumage by TE Gunn (1844-1850). Victorian case, when TE Gunn provided cases to market under the lable "Fakenham of Lockwood". This case dates around 1844-1850
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