Taxidermy4cash Website Terms and Conditions of Use.
We are always very interested in Purchasing Victorian Taxidermy, please respond via this on-line form of what you have for sale. HERE
Please read this information carefully. Unless you are able and willing to comply fully without exception with the terms and use of this website then you are advised NOT to enter. This website has no commercial function; it is merely an indulgence of its creators and contributors. You are free to enjoy the site but outlined below are our terms and conditions with specific regard to how it is to be used and your specific role within that scenario. Again if you disagree then DO NOT interact with the site, it matters not to us. However by entering this site whether you read and or understand the content / implications of this page or not you consent to waiver any rights as laid our below. Better still just do not enter.

Victorian calling card by Peter Spicer.
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Information, ideas and opinions expressed on this site should not be regarded as professional advice or the official opinion of / Website and users are encouraged to consult professional advice before taking any course of action related to information, ideas or opinions expressed on this site.
House Martins.

Tawny Owl by Lewis Hutton of Bristol.
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Victorian Bream by unknown Taxidermist.
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Although / Website guarantees that our Website is constructed and maintained in the most secure environment possible, it is necessary for us to provide a limited number of third party links. / Website cannot and will not be held responsible for the function or content of these third party links, and as such, / Website cannot and will not accept responsibility or liability therefore. Unless specifically stated on this Website to the contrary, / Website is not affiliated with these third parties and does not endorse or sponsor their Websites, products or services.
Victorian Cock of the Rock.
Close up of Goshawk.
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In no event shall / Website nor any of its members and or agents be liable for any special, indirect, punitive or consequential damages resulting from any use or performance of or content errors or omissions in the information, even if notified in advance of the potential for such damages. All users of the information agree that access to any use of the information is subject to the terms and conditions set forth on this Website, as well as all applicable laws, and such access or any use is at the user's own risk. / Website shall not be liable to you in contract, tort, negligence (other than fraudulent or negligent misrepresentations), or otherwise for any economic loss, including without limitation, loss of revenue, business, contracts, profits or anticipated savings or; loss of goodwill or reputation or; loss of data or; special, indirect or consequential loss.
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Most of the work represented here is cased and is as near as original as possible given the age. Also where restored this has been undertaken by competent exponents of this art form. The selection of books indicated to the right of the page represent some informative reading on the subject of natural history and taxidermy. Given the site represents the thoughts and expressions / images of numerous individuals, the warranty and accuracy of the visual and written material contained within this site cannot be authenticated or guaranteed. This website also reserves the right to use / transmit images sent to it in electronic form. Permission is granted and not revokeable as this is part of the service / contract.
Copyright ŠTAXIDERMY4CASH 2007-12. Use of any material contained within this website (pictures / text / figures) for commercial and non commercial purposes is expressly prohibited unless permission is expressly obtained from the copyright holder in advance. Copyright. Subsequently, the British Historical Taxidermy Society, who incidentally pride themselves on their 'integrity / honesty' [sic], started taking images from this site and watermarking them as their own. Maybe not the best example on Internet etiquette. Because of this poor and hypocritical behaviour, from now on all images on this site are copyright and can only be used with my express permission. That function on this site has now been disabled entirely due to the BHTS and its members.
Victorian Black Headed Gull by Peter Spicer.
Victorian Otter by EF Spicer.
WANTED. Please respond via this on-line form HERE
with a description of what you have for sale.
Taxidermy Links.
Please double click on the Taxidermy link icon below.