Taxidermy in the UK
We are always very interested in Purchasing Victorian Taxidermy, please respond via this on-line form of what you have for sale. HERE
Bird Taxidermy.
We have some exmaples of his work and frankly it is flawless. This then begs the question, "why would you want lesser mounts" from taxidermists who have not improved over the years and still produce mediocre items poorly observed. Europe is not that far away and discussions with Jeroen has revealed that most of his clients are global anyway. This man doesn't really require any promotion as his work speaks for itself, we just wanted to make the point that you really do not have to settle for junk, there are alternatives. Unlike other taxidermists we have encountered he is happy to share technicques, and knowledge. He is far from precious, in fact very modest, again a trait that other may wish to learn from, his talent they will certainly envy. We are promoting him simply beceause he is one of the best and ironicly he doesn't need the promotion and or the additional work. The acid test that taxidermist who wish to get even close to this standard is "does it look alive". To coin a phrase from another up and coming talented taxidermist, most work he has seen is poor characatures of the real thing and why would you want to produce or own monsters like that.
Example of work
![015 rall[2].JPG](015 rall[2].JPG)
European Waterrail.No fussy groundwork to hide poor taxidermy, just well observed and well executed.

European Jackdaw. European taxidermist tend to be purists, "just birds on stick" so to speak. Why, well frankly this is taxidermy, not carpentry or rock making. The mounts have to be judged as mounts, not errors hidden within groundwork.
We were going to undertake a long descriptive review of this person's career to date but them what would be the point. We just decided to let the work speak for itself. Taxidermy, well good taxidermy anyway needs to convey movement and life, "as if in life". Very few can acheive this. Perhaps we could encourage him to visit the UK and hold a seminar on how to correctly preserve birds and mammals. If anyone is interested in commissioning this person then drop us a line and we will gladly put you in touch. All species represented here died from natural causes and hold the correct European paperwork. Being the largest resource on the internet for taxidermy information specific to victorian and modern taxidermy, we have been seeking the best practioners of this art form. The modern "experts" reside in Europe currently. Sould you wish to have work undertaken by this person then let us know and we will gladly forward on your requests. Given his obvious talent and award winning work he is very reasonable with his prices.
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European Bittern.
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European Waterrail.No fussy groundwork to hide poor taxidermy, just well observed and well executed.

European Black Guillemot.

European Kingfisher.

European Dunlin.

European Roller.

European Manx Shearwater.

European Waxwing.

European Kingfisher.

European Cinamon Blackbird.

Red Crested Pochard.
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Common Buzzard with Squirrel prey.

Wood Sandpiper.

Great Snipe.

European Sandwich Tern in winter plumage.
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Taxidermy at its finest. Bee-eater. It is hard to beleive that this bird is dead. Not like stiff birds we normally see.
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European Waterrail.
European Black Tern.
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European Turnstone.

Now there are taxidermists and there are taxidermists.

Now there are taxidermists and there are taxidermists.

European Bittern.

European Barn Owl.

European Fieldfare.

European Bar Tailed Godwit.

European Grasshopper Warbler.

European Goshawk with Squirrel prey.

European Hawfinch.

Sedge Warbler.


Spotted Crake.

Mountain Hare.

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Tawny Owl.

Alberts Squirrel.

Nightingale. For those who cannot judge, let us judge for you. This is immaculate taxidermy.

Eagle Owl.



Great Grey Shrike.


Pine Marten with Squirrel prey.
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Taxidermy at its finest. Now fancy pre-formed bodies, no trickery, just good honest traditional methods, oh and a talent that many will envy.
Taxidermy4Cash does not undertake taxidermy, rather we are collectors of
other people’s work, both current and historical we also offer web hosting,
a search engine submission service and increasingly one of the larger
article resource banks on the net. So if your keen to learn about Taxidermy
etc, then you know where to look.
We are always interested to here about new resource, if you feel a resource
should be listed here then please contact us.
WANTED. Please respond via this on-line form HERE
with a description of what you have for sale.
Taxidermy Links.
Please double click on the Taxidermy link icon below.