We get asked to recommend Bird Taxidermists in both the UK and America, by our friends, we now include below a list of those we have had favourable feedback on this is not a complete list, if you don't find what you're looking for then please feel free to contact us. If you also wish to link to us then your taxidermy information shall only be placed in the appropriate class.
The "gallery" sections on this website feature Victorian and Antique Taxidermy by famous English Taxidermists that was produced before 1947.
We are interested in Purchasing Victorian Taxidermy, please respond via this on-line form of what you have for sale. HERE
Taxidermy4Cash does not undertaken taxidermy, rather we are taxidermy collectors of
other people’s work, both current and historical we also offer web hosting,
a search engine submission service and increasingly one of the larger
article resource banks on the net. So if your keen to learn about Taxidermy
etc, then you know where to look.
We are always interested to here about new resource, if you feel a resource
should be listed here then please contact us.
Rough Legged Buzzards by Rowland Ward.
Sparrowhawk and Crossbill prey by Peter Spicer.
Victorian Red Throated Diver
Victorian Black Throated Diver
Modern North American Woodduck.
Victorian Waterrail.
Victorian Ring Necked Pheasant.
Victorian Peregrine Falcon with Rook prey.
Victorian Merganser.
Victorian Gannet by Clarke of Cheltenham.
Victorian label of case above by Clarke of Cheltenham.
Parrot by Rowland Ward.
Modern Tawny Owl and owlett.
Barn Owl by Peter Spicer.
European Otter by Peter Spicer.
European Jay by Peter Spicer.
Ptarmigans by Peter Spicer.
Ptarmigans in Winter Plumage.
Shopland Jay
Victorian Lillac Breasted Roller in close up.
Victorian Lillac Breasted Roller in close up
Kingfishers in wall Hanging dome by TE Gunn
Victorian Ringed Plovers
Buzzards by Jefferires, circa 1890 Tawny Owl by Bill Cox
Modern case containing a Blacked Back Gull and two chicks Magpie by Peter Spicer Modern Avocet, 1993 approximately.
Modern Chaffinch, understood to be Britain's most commonest bird. Lovely example
Victorian Common Gull by James Hutchings
Victorian Canary by James Hutchings
Victorian Common Gull by James Hutchings
Modern Avocet, 1993 approximately.
The article was produced around 1930 for my grandmother who was a Swedish immigrant
with a intense interest in Australian wildlife. She commissioned its production to
Mr H Bishop of Calen, Queensland Australia.
All of the birds are native to the central region of Queensland and were sourced
The article was produced around 1930 for my grandmother who was a Swedish immigrant
with a intense interest in Australian wildlife. She commissioned its production to
Mr H Bishop of Calen, Queensland Australia.
All of the birds are native to the central region of Queensland and were sourced
The article was produced around 1930 for my grandmother who was a Swedish immigrant
with a intense interest in Australian wildlife. She commissioned its production to
Mr H Bishop of Calen, Queensland Australia.
All of the birds are native to the central region of Queensland and were sourced
Flamingo, owned by A Turner, a Victorian bird
Balck Grouse Male, Created by Patrick Rumman of Birdtaxidermy.com. Modern Mount very well excuted.
Stunning Snow Geese, Created by Patrick Rumman of Birdtaxidermy.com. Modern Mount very well excuted.
Edwardian Taxidermist
Edwardian Taxidermist
North American Fur trappers
North Americn Prairie Chickhens at Lek by unknown taxidermist
Victorian Reed Warblers. Lovely example
Victorian example of taxidermy exhibit
Victorian exhibit of North American wildfowl, that include, Woodduck, Hooded Merganser and Brent Geese by example.
White Necked Hawk by unknown Taxidermist
Unknown Taxidermist at work
Victorian Red Backed Shrikes from The Booth Collection Brighton
Victorian Sabines Gulls from The Booth Collection Brighton
Victorian Red Necked Grebes from The Booth Collection Brighton
Victorian male Reeves Pheasant in a bow fronted case by John Cooper & Sons. This company were known for fish taxidermy but also undertook on a limited basis birds and mammals. This is a fine example of that work.
Victorian North American Shore and Sea birds
Victorian case of mixed birds by Hine of Southport.
Victorian case of mixed birds by Hine of Southport in close up.
Victorian Eider male by unknown taxidermist.
Modern Snipe by unknown taxidermist.
Modern Avocet and Plover case by D Frampton.
Victorian North American birds
Victorian Spotted Crake by unknown taxidermist.
African Lillac Roller by unknown taxidermist.
Victorian Female Marsh Harrier by unknown but competent taxidermist.
Modern Bafflehead duck drake by Johnathan Stanley.
Modern American Widgeon duck drake by Johnathan Stanley.
Modern Woodd duck drake by Johnathan Stanley.
WANTED. Please respond via this on-line form HERE
with a description of what you have for sale.