Chicago Natural History Museum 1927
We are always very interested in Purchasing Victorian Taxidermy, please respond via this on-line form of what you have for sale. HERE
Alternatively you can simply call 07917 052624 and we will be more than pleased to take your call. Single items or collections will also be considered.
Carl Ethan Akeley

"I have not appreciated the absolute necessity of carrying on the African Hall, if it is ever to be done, as I do now after this painful revelation. The old conditions, the story of which we want to tell, are now gone, and in another decade the men who knew them will all be gone." (1926, during his last trip to Africa)
Carl E.Akeley was born on May 19th, 1864, on a farm near Clarendon, New York. At the age of thirteen, Akeley became interested in birds and by his own admission stated that he felt much out of place on the farm as he was more interested in taxidermy than farming. With the aid of a borrowed book Akeley was able to teach himself the procedures of taxidermy up to a point where he felt justified in having business cards printed announcing that he did "artistic taxidermy in all its branches.''
In the fall of 1883 at the age of 19, he decided to widen his interests in the field of taxidermy. Over in the nearby town of Brockport there was an Englishman by the name of David Bruce whose hobby it was to do taxidermy. Akeley went to see Bruce thinking that he may be hired to work in his painter and decorator business, as it had not dawned upon him that someone might actually earn a living from taxidermy, but instead Bruce advised a young Akeley to apply for a job with the famous Wards Natural Science Establishment in Rochester New York. Akeley followed that advice and was subsequently hired by the owner, Professor Henry J Ward at the starting salary of $3.50 a week.
These are original images from the Chicago Field Museum of Natural History dated 1927, just as the displays were completed. We have the complete portfolio. Each image is hand crafted and is approximately 9 x 12 inches. This is a rare manuscript in fantastic condition
Front cover of the 1927 Portfolio.
Bronze Bust of "The Old Man of Mikeno", I think this Gorillas was taken by Akeley in his first trip in 1906.
Narrative for the Portfolio of images.
Belous Zebra.
Beisa Antelope.
Blesbok Antelope.
Bontebok Antelope male.
Bontebok Antelope female.
Cheetah grouping.
African Elephants.
African Warthog grouping.
African Grevy's Zebra, female.
African Grevy's Zebra, male.
African Greater Koodoo grouping.
Polar Bear grouping.
Water Buffalo grouping.
Clark's Gazelle grouping.
Coke's Hartebeest.
African Lichtensteins Hartebeest.
African Lesser Koodoo.
African Mountain Zebra.
African Sable Antelope female.
African Sable Antelope male.
African Waterbuck male.
African Roan Antelope.
African Sassaby Antelope.
African Somali Wild Ass.
African Sommerings Gazelle.
African Spotted Hyena.
African Striped Hyena.
African Swaynes Hartebeest.
African Transvaal Zebra.
Virginian Deer in Spring.
Virginian Deer in Summer.
Virginian Deer in Winter.
Wallers Gazelle or Grenenuk.
White Bearded Gnu.
Stone's Mountain Sheep.
Proboscis Monkies.
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