Bill Cox of Liverpool
Victorian Taxidermy
We are always very interested in Purchasing Victorian Taxidermy, please respond via this on-line form of what you have for sale. HERE
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William Thomas Cox ( Bill Cox of Liverpool) was a father to son arrangment from 1887, until 1951, when the company finally closed it's doors. It has been suggested the the company was formed earlier in 1850, but no records exists to establish this claim.
Bill Cox specialised in sporting trohpies, cased birds and mammals and cased fish. The work is very similar to that of both H Murray of Carnforth and of course T Salkeld of Carnforth, but given the geographical location this is hardly surprising. Cox cases normally contained watercolour backdrops and his name / date was usually signed upon the watercolour. Cases alsso contained trade lables and also "acquistion" data of the specimen concerned located within the case itself.
Attention to detail is this taxidermist stock in trade. The taxidermy is well observed, correctly executed and normally the items are in summer plumage, as was the expectation and the day. Victorian collectors were legally allowed to shoot birds and animals regardless of the time of year and also collect eggs, practices which are thankfully both outlawed today.
We have seen flat fronted cases and glass sided cases produced by this taxidermist. We have not seen items in domes or wall hanging domes. The picture frame cases produced are very similar to the work produced by H Murray of Carnforth, but Murray used oils to create the backdrops and Cox has used watercolour. Both taxidermists are highly collectable.
African Grey Parrot by Bill Cox of Liverpool .
North Atlantic Salmon by Bill Cox of Liverpool
North Atlantic Salmon in close up by Bill Cox of Liverpool
North Atlantic Salmon in close up by Bill Cox of Liverpool
North Atlantic Salmon in close up by Bill Cox of Liverpool
Little Owls by Bill Cox of Liverpool .
Barn Owl by Bill Cox of Liverpool .
Pheasant by Bill Cox of Liverpool .
Signature from the above case by Bill Cox of Liverpool .

Stunning case of European Red Fox and Rabbit by Bill Cox of Liverpool, Victorian case. This case is from the BCB collection and is not for sale.
Red Fox by Bill Cox of Liverpool .
The above case in detail.
Mallard drake by Bill Cox of Liverpool .
Victorian Goldeneyes by Bill Cox of Liverpool.
Victorian Bartailed Godwitt by Bill Cox of Liverpool.
Victorian Common Buzzard by Bill Cox of Liverpool.
Red Breasted Merganser by Bill Cox of Liverpool. Victorian mount
Signature of Bill Cox. Might have been a good taxidermist but clumsy at hand writing.
Canary "cross" by Bill Cox of Liverpool in a pictureframe case. Victorian mount
Canary "cross" by Bill Cox of Liverpool in a pictureframe case. Victorian mount
Little Auk by Bill Cox of Liverpool in a pictureframe case. Victorian mount
Male Ringed Pheasant by Bill Cox of Liverpool.
Victorian Tawny Owl by Bill Cox, from the BCB collection.
Victorian label by Bill Cox of Liverpool.
Victorian Common Buzzard by Bill Cox of Liverpool.
Victorian Curlew by Bill Cox of Liverpool.
Victorian label by Bill Cox of Liverpool.
Salmon by Bill Cox of Liverpool
Tench by Bill Cox of Liverpool
Trout by Bill Cox of Liverpool
Perch by Bill Cox of Liverpool
Victorian Goshawk with Rabbit prey, most likely the work of Bill Cox of Liverpool.
Victorian Pheasants by Bill Cox of Liverpool
Victorian Hares Head by Bill Cox of Liverpool.
Victorian lable by Bill Cox of Liverpool.
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