Taxidermy in the UK
We are always very interested in Purchasing Victorian Taxidermy, please respond via this on-line form of what you have for sale. HERE
John Bisop Murray
"Stuffers of a bygone era"
"Bamp" is my Grandfather on my mothers side and is James Herbert Warwick
Roberts born 1876 and died 1954 He spent all his life in Deanshanger, now
part of Milton Keynes. He started Taxidermy when about 12 years old and was
taught by his uncle Warwick Albert Compton. His prize winning exhibit in a
London Exhibition in I think 1890 was quite large and ambitious for a 14
year old It was if I remember correctly about 3.5feet high by 2.5 feet wide
and 18 ins deep.
"Bamp" James Herbert Warwick Roberts, Taxidermist 1876-1954.
James Herbert Warwick Roberts, Taxidermist 1876-1954. Trade label
The centrepiece was a grey Heron flanked by a Lapwing and
a grey Partridge. It had two sets of branches on either side on which were
mounted several song birds particularly Finches As I attempted to tell you
earlier this case was destined to come to me but several years ago it was
invaded by either Moth or Dermestes so I suggested it was consigned to a
bonfire which was duly carried out.
My broher has a single Kingfisher in a
case and one of my uncles has a family of Red Squirrels. and these along
with my Bucks head are all the samples of his work which I know of.
I will send some more photos of my other birds of prey as soon as I can take
them I trust you got all my personal details but if not My name is John
Bishop Murray and I was born in Milngavie near Glasgow in 1937. After
leaving school at 16 I trained as a forester but gave that up and started
work as a Taxidermist in Kelvingrove Museum in 1959.
John Bisop Murray. He is the one on the left by the way!!!.
I then in 1961 took up the post at Wollaton Hall in Nottingham taking the place of Len Wild who
was more of a brilliant display technician. His case work is beyond belief
for accuracy and detail but he did not actually do much taxidermy. I then
returned to Scotland in the RSM in 1964 and worked there under William
Stirling . I have just remembered that he at first worked there with
another of Kirk's Taxidermists, David Wotherspoon
John Murray's connection with Kirks of Glasgow
With Regard to the firm of Charles Kirk all I can tell you is that he
employed William McLintock as one of his large Mammal taxidermists many of
whose work are in the Kelvingrove Museum. where he lately worked until I
replaced him on his retirement. Kirk also employed Arthur Becket who in my
opinion was the best bird taxidermist in Victorian times. Several examples
of his work are in Kelvingrove and also in the RSM. There was also a George
Stout who came from Fair Isle and was I believe the last Apprentice.
. I think that fills in all the details I can remember about Kirk's and my own family connections
with Taxidermy.
Peregrine by John Bisop Murray.
Taxidermy4Cash does not undertake taxidermy, rather we are collectors of
other people’s work, both current and historical we also offer web hosting,
a search engine submission service and increasingly one of the larger
article resource banks on the net. So if your keen to learn about Taxidermy
etc, then you know where to look.
We are always interested to here about new resource, if you feel a resource
should be listed here then please contact us.
WANTED. Please respond via this on-line form HERE
with a description of what you have for sale.
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