Chubb by John Cooper & Sons of London.
Victorian Pike by Allder of Newbury.
Victorian Perch by John Cooper & Sons of London. John Cooper and Sons are mainly known for their very good quality bow-fronted fish cases. Typically Pike Chubb, Salmon and Trout were favoured as well as Tench Roach and Rudd. The firm was founded by John Cooper, a former watchmaker, in the 1830s and was continued after his death in 1872 by his son John. The business became known as J Cooper and Sons from c1896 when John junior was joined by his sons. Today these cases are highly prized
Roach by John Cooper & Sons of London.
Victorian case of a Pike by John Cooper and Sons .
Victorian case by John Cooper & Sons of a Roach .
Victorian cased Perch by Barnes of London.
Victorian case by John Cooper & Sons of Grayling and Roach .
Victorian Pike.
Victorian Perch in bowfront case, could be by Cooper
Victorian Chub by Homer
Victorian Perch 4lb in weight, which is not a small fish by modern standards. This fish was preserved by TE Gunn
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