Taxidermy in the UK
We are always very interested in Purchasing Victorian Taxidermy, please respond via this on-line form of what you have for sale. HERE
Historic images of taxidermy and taxidermy related material from British Taxidermists.
This is just a compilation of imagery collected and donated over the years. We sincerely hope that you enjoy them. The aim of this section on this vast website is to donate material to collectors, researchers, musuems etc who do not possess such imagery. The images, whilst small on this page will be available in much larger "Jpeg digital image" formats for the use in advertising, limited print creation. This material shall be provided freely, just email in and enquire. We would prefer that this is done solely for your own enjoyment and not commercial gain, we are not deriving any gain from this also. This is a small selection and when we have time we shall contribute what we have to this page and subject. These items make very decorative prints when enlarged.
Victorian & Edwardian Historical Taxidermy.

Newspaper cutting depicting Rowland Ward and the then King at Ward's exhibition of sub-continent animals. Rather nice image and thanks Mr Sailor for its unrestricted use. Would make a lovely print.

Taxidermy display of deer heads.

Fox diorama from Manz Natural History Museum, Germany.

Fox diorama from Manz Natural History Museum, Germany. Reverse to the above card
Postcard sent to Williams of Dublin in reference to a Grouse. Further research indicates that Wood was the gamekeeper at this country house.
Should anyone be desparate to mount a Gorilla (no pun intended) then here's your methodology.
![jonasgorilla [640x480].jpg](jonasgorilla [640x480].jpg)
Jonas brothers
![jonasgorilla1 [640x480].jpg](jonasgorilla1 [640x480].jpg)
Jonas brothers
![jonasgorilla3 [640x480].jpg](jonasgorilla3 [640x480].jpg)
Jonas brothers
![jonasgorilla2 [640x480].jpg](jonasgorilla2 [640x480].jpg)
Jonas brothers

Nice business card, depicting a shop front

North American Elk

North American Advert

Tring Museum
![trophy roommc 2[1].jpg](trophy roommc 2[1].jpg)
Trophy wall
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Trophy room at the Victoria Museum BC.

Nice business card

Nice business card. This is the reverse of the above card

Spotted Deer from the Peel Collection in Exeter

Rowland Ward Elephant scene
Close up Postcard of the shop front of EF Spicer. For more on this famous family of taxidermist then go to the Spicer page on this site.
Good example of an Edwardian Taxidermists shop in North America.
Historic image depicting a Dutch taxidermists studio.
Historic image depicting a Dodo.
Fred Sauter, an example of historic literature.
Letter from John J Audubon.
Walter Potter's musuem un Bramber, West Sussex.
Walter Potter's musuem un Bramber, West Sussex. There is a wealth of information still held locally to Bramber don't you know. Some Potter pieces are still in private hands done by the man himself, with letters that accompany the items. Images to follow.
Dack of Holt in Norfolk.
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Haunting image of Charles Darwin.
The Taxidermist.

Extracts from a taxidermists journal detailing dealings with Charles Dickens.

Extracts from a taxidermists journal detailing dealings with Charles Dickens.
Self explanatory postcard of a disbanded musuem.
Postcard of the Tring Musuem.

Great Grey Shrike by Eric Gorton.
Postcard of the Tring Musuem.
Self explanatory postcard of the Congo Musuem.
Postcard of the Congo Musuem.
Self explanatory postcard of the Moscow Musuem.
![whaleexhibit [640x480].jpg](whaleexhibit [640x480].jpg)
Just read the text and enjoy.
![whaleexhibit1 [640x480].jpg](whaleexhibit1 [640x480].jpg)
Just read the text and enjoy.

Interesting press cutting from the Hart Hall disposal.
Original letter sent by Murray with reference to tanning of a Coyote. Many thanks for the image Cathy.

Golden Eagles and White Tailed Sea Eagle by Henry Murray of Carnforth. This case is part of the Kendal Museum. More images from this museum to follow.
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Interesting American perspective.

Bartlett's informative letter.

Bartlett's informative letter.

Taxidermists workshop.
![kendaltaxidermy [640x480].jpg](kendaltaxidermy [640x480].jpg)
Kendall Museum.

Practical taxidermy.

Practical taxidermy.

Another look into the past with this letter head by William MacCleay of Inverness. We have a larger jpeg version of this if anyone wants to turn it into a framed print. Just email us and ask. Other than that just content yourselves with guessing what it says.

Another look into the past with this letter head by Lewis Hutton of Bristol. We have a larger jpeg version of this if anyone wants to turn it into a framed print, perhaps we will start creating limited editions of these items. Just email us and ask and you can have them for free. On file we have examples by William McCleay (as seen here) Rowland Ward, Peter Spicer, Henry Murray, James Gardner, Lewis Hutton (by example above), Thomas Gunn, FE Gunn, Alexander Williams etc etc.

The former reptile gallery at the British National History Museum. Nice insight into displays that no longer exist.

Image from the Smithsonian depicting taxidermist and Lammergeier.

Rare trade card from Charles Thorpe of Croydon. More to follow on this historical taxidermist. The image shows a pair of Little Owls in a pictureframe case.

Rare trade card from Charles Thorpe of Croydon. His signature on the reverse.
Impressive watercolour depicting TE Gunns exhibition dated 1883. If you would like a copy (free) of this image "not for commercial gain", then we will happily furnish you with the details of the institute that retains this item and then you can ask directly, again it would make an impressive print.

The Raptor room at Norwich Castle Museum. It is likely that these birds were undertaken by The Gunn firm of taxidermists. Gunn was one of the finest British Historical Taxidermists
Taxidermy4Cash does not undertake taxidermy, rather we are collectors of
other people’s work, both current and historical we also offer web hosting,
a search engine submission service and increasingly one of the larger
article resource banks on the net. So if your keen to learn about Taxidermy
etc, then you know where to look.
We are always interested to here about new resource, if you feel a resource
should be listed here then please contact us.
WANTED. Please respond via this on-line form HERE
with a description of what you have for sale.
Taxidermy Links.
Please double click on the Taxidermy link icon below.